Early Learning and Care and School Age Capital Funding 2019

Pobal News

The Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr. Katherine Zappone, has announced the publication of the guidelines for applications for the 2019 Early Learning and Care and School Age Capital programmes.

The guidelines set out the application process for over €6.1m in childcare capital grants.

Announcing the publication, the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr. Katherine Zappone T.D. encouraged providers to study the document and prepare the groundwork for their applications.

The detailed document contains all the information prospective applicants need to prepare themselves for making an application under the programmes.

The Guidelines for Early Learning and Care and School Age Capital funding can be downloaded here

The 2019 Early Learning and Care and School Age Capital programmes will open for applications from 25th February to 27th March 2019.

The available strands of funding are as follows:

  • Strand A: Creation of new places for 0-3 year olds – €4.231m (max. €50,000 per grant).
  • Strand B: Fire Safety for community early years services – €0.875m, (max.€15,000 per grant).
  • Strand C: Creation of new school age places – €1m (max. €20,000 per grant).

Both early learning and care and school age childcare providers are invited to apply.

The Minister’s announcement can be found on the Department Children and Youth Affairs website here

If you have a query in relation to Early Learning and Care and School Age Capital Funding applications, please email onlinesupport@pobal.ie or phone 01 511 7222.

The post Early Learning and Care and School Age Capital Funding 2019 appeared first on Pobal.

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